Why Sedation Dentistry In The Hospital
A routine practice in pediatric dental offices employs a hard board with straps to “papoose” a young child. This immobilization is useful for emergency rooms or in other dire circumstances but not repeatedly on the same child. Often children are papoosed while fighting, crying, gagging and even vomiting. The feeling of being tied up without
being able to move or protect yourself with your hands and arms is a humiliating experience.
No child should be physically coerced by adults while trying to fight back with all their strength.
Some children feel overwhelmed and frightened by having to endure painful dental procedures which include multiple injections and being completely still while the shrill dental drill vibrates in their head. We hope this answers your question to “Why Sedation Dentistry In The Hospital”?
The use of anesthesia in the hospital is the only safe way to accomplish the best results without harming the child physically or emotionally. The child literally sleeps while the needles, shots, drills and extractions are performed. After waking up with his parents by his side, the child just has to adjust to the newly fixed teeth and get on with his pleasant life. The parents have to work on oral hygiene at home- brushing, flossing and rinsing. The child can now have easy dental visits for cleanings and check-ups.
– NBC Meygen Kelly –